We started the Aurora Club in Relleu with friends some six years ago prompted by a desire to explore the history and culture of our village. Talks, visiting lecturers and trips have taken place monthly – always followed by lunch, often at our local Bar Cazador – where Luis and Paloma serve local cuisine and wines. On the web-site (www.aurorarelleu.es) you can find full details of all the presentations to date. They explore  the village’s 2000 year history, local agriculture (Olives, Citrus fruit, Almonds), local customs, nearby villages, bodegas, and ancient monuments. The next meeting will be on the 20th March,  a talk on Bull Fighting and its place in Spanish culture given by Tineke Vlijm (Relleu Ayuntamiento 12.00 for 12.30).

Pictures below of a trip exploring the fascinating local geology, a walk to Relleu’s ancient dam one of the first in Spain, a cookery demonstration at an ancient valley farm-house and Tineke Vlijm introducing the Naturalist and Broadcaster Stephen Moss.



After the storms and cold of January, Spring very much underway here. Today stocked up on oranges and mandarins from our Valero grove. The January rain has brought the oranges on nicely – now need to organise clearing the dense wild flowers (some say weeds) from the orchards.

Beautiful balmy day – sunbathed for an hour after lunch.

We gathered  little later than usual this year – about half the trees were producing following the odd weather – but we harvested sufficient for 72 litres of extra virgin – a 80/20 mix of Manzanilla and Blanqueta olives. The oil smooth, tasty and easily enough for us and our friends this coming year.

We were ably helped in the field by visitors from England, Jane Sergeant, Joan Scot, Jonathan David Simons, Mary Costello, Tim Edwards, Jackie Story – and from New York, Rabab Fayad and Michael Kaftner.  We enjoyed tasting some other local oils. In making the judgement, ignore the colour or clarity of the oil (both irrelevant) but savour the taste and gentle sensation at the back of the throat you experience from a good extra virgin oil.  One oil we sampled was from the  ‘Señorios de Relleu’  (https://www.senoriosderelleu.com/) whose groves are spread around Masía de Teuladi on the opposite side of the ravine from us. They have been winning some international awards for the quality of their oil recently so we are in good company. So a reasonable  harvest – but we hope for 100 litres plus next year. We gained 200 litres plus in past years.

As with every year we are inviting you to join us in gathering olives from our Valero Grove, November 8th -11th this time joined by Ed Pemberton and Giselle Leah Benrimoj of ‘The Strawberry Tree’ specialists in Spanish tapas and cuisine,
who will run our kitchen, hold an informal cookery class, organize some olive oil tastings and on Thursday 7th and Monday 11th run two ‘Cook & Dine days’. The olive gathering will demonstrate the traditional ways of gathering olives – not too energetic and definitely therapeutic.
Bookings for the three nights at the Almassera Vella: £445 (Couple) £325 (Single) – all inclusive (Save flight and insurance) to include transport to and from the airport. Early bird Bookings by September 14th £425 and £295 respectively. Extended stays can be arranged. A relaxing gastronomic weekend!
Cook & Dine Days: €65 Thursday 7th and Monday 11th
Let us know if you’d like more details (Christopher@oldolivepress.com)